Sunday, 17 February 2008

Brinsworth and Catcliffe Special

Labour has been out and about in Brinsworth and Catcliffe recently delivering the ‘Brinsworth and Catcliffe Special’. This is in fact a leaflet ,the front of which is the usual stuff about how great Labour is and how the councillors are working hard to improve the area etc etc . They even mention how they have improved policing as ‘Police Community Support Officers are now more visible in our villages’. They neglect to mention of course that if this Labour Government hadn’t got regular officers occupied up at the station filling in endless forms and the like, you might have ‘Real Policemen’ visible in your villages.

Your Councillors are also ‘working with the police to look at further developments’. The way this lot perform this probably means they’ll be deploying cardboard cut-outs of policemen at strategic sites around the area to provide reassurance to the public and to act as a strong deterrent to those criminal yob types that seem to be so abundant these days.

Anyway, as I said the front of this leaflet us just the usual stuff, but on the back they just couldn’t resist having another go at the BNP. You might think as political opponents they’d heap ridicule our policies as unrealistic, unworkable and the like, but no, they daren’t actually mention what we really stand for or believe, as this would appeal to a huge percentage of the voting public. So instead they lie, yes I’m afraid they do, unable to come up with any convincing counter arguments to what we say, they just make stuff up to try and make us look bad.

I take exception to a number of things they have written on this leaflet, and if I may I’d like to take you through a few of them.

They write:

‘We all know that there are real problems but we in the Labour Party are trying to find fair and sensible solutions to them. That is why we urge you to reject the BNP. Their solutions may appear to be common sense but when you look carefully they’re not – it’s all nasty racist hatred.

Rubbish! Most of the ‘real problems’ we have in today’s society have been caused by ten years (and counting) of mismanagement of this country by ‘we in the Labour Party’. And as for Labour being fair and sensible, the National Labour Party are in the news every week and fair and sensible are notable by their complete absence along with honour, truth and decency to name but a few. And yes, this is the same Nu Labour Party that your councillors represent at the local level, not a different one.

‘Their solutions may appear to be common sense’ - well, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck if you get my meaning . As for the old ‘it’s all nasty racist hatred’ I’m sick of this drivel, they never present any evidence of this, because they can’t, it’s just name calling and I invite any of you to visit the BNP website at and see for yourself. If you still think we are nasty racists after looking at our policies then you are in fact beyond help and unable to reason or think for yourself. But either way don’t take the word of Labour liars; make up your own mind.

They continue:

‘When our area suffered the horrendous floods in June last year we were all horrified. Brinsworth and Catcliffe residents, together with Parish and Borough councillors, all mucked in at all hours to help each other. Your Labour councillors have worked hard since to deal with the aftermath and future precautions.’

Well I should bloody well think they have, it’s a pity they weren’t thinking about ‘future precautions’ when they gave planning permission to build on a flood plain. I mean, how smart do you have to be to work out that it’s called a FLOOD PLAIN for a reason, that reason most likely being that it is subject to regular flooding.

They say about the BNP and I quote “Although they never take responsibility for their own actions they are the first to condemn and scapegoat”. So, we never take responsibility for our own actions. What actions? That's the problem, they never say, they just make vague accusations and hope some mud sticks. I think the people of Rotherham are fully aware of who’s not actually taking any responsibility for what they do. As for scapegoating, the Labour Party has run Rotherham Borough Council for the last 70 years so who do they suggest we hold responsible, the Tories? The Lib Dems? Ricky the magic pixie? Or perhaps it’s somehow the BNP again, Ah yes, always handy to divert attention from your own failings.

Oh, and can you guess who was responsible for the maintenance of Ulley Reservoir, you know, the one where the dam almost burst and could have swept large parts of Rotherham away, I’ll give you a clue, it’s not the BNP.

The ‘LABOUR COUNCIL ‘is now giving permission to build a massive housing estate and factories on the Waverley site. If they cover huge tracts of land with concrete and tarmac where will heavy rain soak away?
This will become more surface water and could cause even more flooding.

This site will be a magnet for cheap foreign labour that puts our men out of work. Another of those Labour funded projects sending abroad hundreds of thousands of pounds of our money in ‘Family Allowance’ payments for kids not even in this country, while thousands of our pensioners will die this year from the cold.


The BNP HOPE that Labour will see sense and stop mass immigration.

We would HATE to see our country concreted over to house the millions Labour has invited into our country. This is clearly not hate or racist, it’s common sense. We have over 20,000 on the housing waiting list in Rotherham; if we cannot house our own we should not be housing the rest of the world. Our kids on minimum wage cannot afford to buy a home; Rotherham houses built by us in this town are for Rotherham kids.
The NHS is struggling and people who have paid into it for years are refused needed drugs but asylum seekers, immigrants and the like who’ve never paid in, stroll into this island of ours and are treated free. We put off going to the Dentist as the charges for the poor are frightening yet foreigners can come out looking like the Bee Gees, again for free.
Yet they have the barefaced cheek to say and I quote from the ‘Brinsworth and Catcliffe Special

‘THE MOST IMPORTANT ideal that your local Labour Party believes in is FAIRNESS’

No it isn’t, the evidence against it is all around, and you’d have to be demented or drugged to believe them. Or perhaps they’re living in a different reality to everyone else. I really wonder how they sleep at night.

They finish with:

'The BNP’s response was to turn up as spectators with cameras. What else can they do? There’s not much racism (This council seem to be obsessed with racism) you can stir up out of an environmental catastrophe, so they took their video footage and went on their way. Despite showing their faces at a couple of flood meetings they have not lifted a finger to help'.

More Labour Lies:

The British National Party went to one meeting in Catcliffe Church. There was myself, the BNP candidate and a supporter. We took no video recording or pictures, why should we? This was the top news story for days and there was full TV, Radio and Newspaper coverage. And as for not lifting a finger to help, what did they expect? A lady doesn’t like to mention her age but those of you who know me are aware that my days of hauling sandbags around and the like are a distant memory. More to the point if help had been offered would they have accepted it? I think not, they wouldn’t want to be seen working alongside the ‘vile BNP’ seen in this light their accusation is apparent for what it is, just another smear attempt.

However I do campaign vigorously against mass building on Flood Plains and Greenbelt. This council wants to build on Herringthorpe playing fields and allow a massive housing estate at Thorpe Hesley, plus any bit of space they can find just to give a home to immigrants who will vote Labour. We the indigenous are leaving the country in droves to get away from the mess this country is in.

We did not choose to make political capital out of the floods in Catcliffe, that was the choice of Labour, they’re trying to smear us again because they are in a bit of a flap, and here’s why.

The BNP candidate got 35% of the vote in Catcliffe and Brinsworth ward last May that’s why their pulling out all the stops, putting out the ‘Brinsworth and Catcliffe Special’ and why they’re lying so hard to get your vote.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

The Booby Hatch

I present to you an article written by a gentleman called Guy Leven-Torres. He's not a BNP member, although he seems to share many of our views on the insanity of our government. In fact I believe Mr Leven-Torres is a member of UKIP and whilst we in the BNP regard this party, or more specifically it's leaders, as a waste of time, at least Mr Leven-Torres as a UKIP and not a BNP member can write such insightful articles without danger of losing his job.

Guy R. Leven-Torres, BA(Hons) Ancient and Medieval History, London University Royal Holloway and Bedford College, MA Archaeology, University College London Institute of Archaeology, FSEFA, A Fellow and Principal Field Archaeologist Society of Experimental Field Archaeology and Honorary Life President.

The Booby Hatch: The Insane Takeover the Western Asylum

29th January 2008
Guy Leven-Torres

I have often thought that the ruling elites in the West are all suffering from some kind of collective insanity or psychosis, even a death-wish. There is no doubt that the current lot are by any normal standards absolutely, completely, and irretrievably nuts! A present and clear danger to us and themselves and in my book at least should be, quarantined in the nearest available asylum under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983.

Mind you I am starting to like the idea that these people should be
treated more like sick animals and put down by the vet instead, because far superior animals do not shit on their own kind like this lot do! No in Nature those that killed their own species would have been attacked and eliminated years ago....

We import millions of migrants every year from Africa and the Moslem world and we are continually informed it is for our 'cultural enrichment'. That cultural enrichment brought down the Twin Towers in New York and 3,000 deaths, 15,000 orphans and widows, 200 deaths and 1000-1300 wounded in Madrid, 52 deaths in London and 400 wounded, annual riots in Paris and every other French city, riots in Holland,Belgium, Denmark and Sweden, where the local natives have been informed they 'have no country any more.

Meanwhile in Malmo, a once beautiful city near Copenhagen, the local Swedes are regularly
attacked by 'culturally enriching' gangs of Somali and other Moslem thugs, that according to one of their leaders 'I just love it when I get a Swede to kiss my feet and plead for his safety'. This was the grateful acknowledgment of a Moslem asylum seeker to the largesse given him and his pals by the Marxist Swedish state, eighty percent of whom live on Sweden's fast diminishing welfare budget.

former social-democrat Swedish Prime Minister, has even kindly (just a passing thought) informed the white population that their country will indeed be Islamic and he hopes that by being nice to Moslems now, 'they will be nice to us, when they run things.' And Belgium sociologist is delighted that Brussels will soon be an Islamic city.

Those that have strongly objected to all this have been hounded by police, vilified in the press, heavily fined, imprisoned and all civil amenities like work and personal finance removed. By any normal standard of acceptable sane behaviour, this is absolutely stark raving mad! Completely crackers, bats in the belfry, soft in the attic, ga-ga, barmy and a hundred other cliched euphemisms of popular description.

The question is why do we, the hopefully still sane majority put up with it all? And does
it not occur to anybody that it is our money that pays for all this crap and that our children and theirs. are the one's that will have to pay the cost of all this situation in years to come as we continue to primitivise by importing wholesale, the barbarity and murderous 'lifestyles' of the Third World?

Look at the recent revolting behaviour in Kenya. That is going to be Europe pretty soon believe me! Men with their skulls cut in half by meat cleavers and women with their bosoms cut off, for simply voting for the wrong party or belonging to the wrong tribe. Wonderfully culturally enriching isn't it?

already have nut cases plotting to flood and drown London Tube trains and bring down airliners in their version of 'cultural enrichment', namely an evil desert god that hates pictures of himself in Danish mags, regards homosexuals like Peter Tatchell as fit for the ovens and women and Jews as either beasts of burden or pigs and apes. Yes, all very culturally enriching to the extent that 700 Britons are leaving by the day they cannot withstand the enjoyment of it all!

Now even in Britain we have the web blogger and writer 'Lionheart' threatened with arrest and seven years in prison, simply for revealing the awful behaviour of Moslem gangs in Luton. This is a fellow who has been physically attacked, abused and threatened with a death fatwa for exposing drugs and prostitution funded terrorism in his town and then exposing the police corruption as well, that allowed the fanatics to know where he was located.

The man has had to flee abroad and now risks not only arrest
but death either through assassination, or in one of Britain's Moslem run prisons. And one suspects that when the EU Reform Treaty goes through on the bullying tactics and scaremongering of the EuroElite and our own PM Brown, the secret Police will be coming for the rest of us too. Eurogend is coming to Britain by the way, to a street near you!

And don't bother asking for proof because only a bloody moron and imbecile could doubt this fact by now! It's thanks to bloody idiots always demanding 'proof' like 'Doubting Thomas' did to the risen Jesus that we are in the smelly manure right now, right up to our bloody necks and still drowning.

no I don't care if you are offended because idiots need to be offended big time! I am permanently offended by the way by people who forever ask for 'proof'. The proof oh simpletons is right before your eyes! As Melanie Phillips is always saying-'If you don't 'get it' now, you never will!' Now we even have government education agencies turning away books about three cowboy builder pigs as they might offend Moslems and cowboy builders. For Christ's sake where are the strait jackets? Or have we used them all up?

Like the X- ray machine that can only be used by British immigration officials at
Calais to catch foreign criminals hiding in trucks, only with the 'permission' of the asylum seekers first, which one would have thought rather defeats the whole idea in any normal society but not in the booby hatch that ours is become.

Then we have the scandal of Channel 4 being investigated and
threatened with 'prosecution' for 'inciting racial and religious hatred' after its excellent Dispatches programme, exposed Moslem clerics inciting murder and mayhem. According to one police source, the reporting of the offences was a racial 'offence' in itself! So next time you are shot at by a asylum seeker or black gangster, don't bother to report it as that is a crime as well! What kind of lunatic thought that one up? And it is going to get worse in the PC land of Never-Never Weird Think and upside down morality that infests the body politic and executive today in Britain and much of Europe!

This rot all started years ago with Feminism and some women's (or certain Leftwing women) desire to not 'offend' people. Not 'offending' people is a 'feminine' trait usually but this feminisation of society has now spread into the effete middle-classes as well! Look at our youngsters for example. Most of them are of insipid dreamy character, illiterate, ill kept, slovenly, dirty, ill mannered and appallingly ignorant and arrogant. Most follow the feminist, 'mustn't offend anybody' or 'I love the EU', or 'You are a Racist and Islamaphobe' or a 'Nazi' for being a Nationalist.

No, they are not the same! And criticising death and murder by migrant criminals is not being xenophobic either! If an asylum seeker can afford to pay $5,000-$30,000 to a people smuggler, he is hardly poor is he? If I had $30,000 I would be off out of the UK today! And where do you think these 'poor' asylum seekers got their funds? Probably through an enforced cash withdrawal via an Uzzi automatic or forging tourists' credit cards. Meanwhile genuine refugees are lost in this criminally abused system.

Quite frankly why the hell are we allowing all this and our welfare systems to be abused
like this? Absolutely bloody mad! Does nobody care about where their own money is spent by this dreadful government?

Our boys are bereft of their national manhood, our girls the products of some Feminist Finishing School for Debauchery and Foulness and I doubt in fact we will ever recover from this wicked full frontal assault on our lands and cultures.
Cathargo est delenda! Cried Cato in the Senate!
Perhaps it should be Europa est Delenda! How can anybody of sane mind allow this idiocy to continue?